This is my Dad, feeding Jell-O to Elijah. The first thing Dad tried to give Eli was an orange popsicle. Jell-O might not have any nutritional value, but it beats cleaning orange popsicle off a nearly-one-year-old!
Brandon is "Grampy's Little Helper" in the kitchen. He makes a killer loaf of fresh bread that even rivals Grampy's!
When he wasn't making bread or apple pie, Brandon was doing homework. Brandon suffers from Crohn's Disease and has spent a lot of time in the hospital lately while the doctors try to determine the best course of treatment for him. Because he has missed so much school lately, this kid has a TON of homework to do!
And "Auntie Leslee" (Elijah's thinking, "I will do anything this woman says...she is so beautiful..."
And Carole with my Brothers-in-law Jim and Mike:
We visited with some of my old high school friends. Jen and her husband Andy just moved back to New England after several years in New Jersey. One rainy day, Jen and I took the kids to the Providence Place Mall. For lack of anything better to do, we let them play in Pottery Barn Kids, since we figured it's the closest they'll ever get to such expensive toys!
But mostly, Eli loved the pink kitchen set ($299.00 for JUST the stove!)
One evening we went to my friend Kim's house. She, her husband Ken and two children (Sydney-4 and Gabriel-10 months) live in Warwick. Elijah loved playing with Gabriel's toys.
Gabriel recently had his first haircut. WHAT a handsome guy!
The Thanksgiving meal was fantastic. My Dad and stepmother Lynn really outdid themselves with a 28 pound turkey! Paula got a lot of great TG pics, you can see them by clicking on her blog link to the left. I was busy taking care of a sick baby, so taking photos wasn't a priority. But I did get that great shot of us with Dad that's at the top of this post.
The next day, of course, was Elijah's 1st birthday. My sister Paula generously offered to host his party. So we baked him a cake. Y&C of course. It wasn't fancy but it tasted great!
Then we sang "Happy Birthday". He didn't really know what to make of that:
He ate some cake (pretty neatly in fact):
And quickly got the hang of opening presents:
Cousin Kyle showed him how to play with the "ball popper"
There were BIG smiles all around!
On Saturday, we watched Brandon play in his grade 5/6 basketball game and then pointed the car North and didn't stop until we hit Vermont. It's good to be home.
Thank you everyone for your: hospitality, love for Elijah, long talks, hugs, tears (happy and sad), optimism and support, great food, birthday parties and presents, 28-pound turkeys and all the great memories we made over the past 7 days in the Ocean State. We love you all.