This morning we struck out for Bakersfield Tree Farm to choose and cut our Christmas tree. The temperature was approximately 4 degrees Fahrenheit when we left the house at 9:30AM. But there was no wind and the sun was shining brightly!

In what I suppose is an overcompensation for a childhood of Charlie Browns, choosing a Christmas tree has become one of my favorite annual events. Much to Ed's chagrin, I often search and search for the tree that is "just right." Inevitably, we end up cutting the very first tree I mark as a potential candidate. Today was no exception!

Afterwards, we talked Ed into going sliding at the rec path. As you can see, we don't have much for snow (in fact, I think there's more in Nice right now!). We took a few runs and Elijah had fun- he didn't seem to notice the lack of white stuff!

Later in the day, I headed off to finish my Christmas shopping. I made pretty good progress...just one or two gifts left to buy! I was also treated to Martha and Addy caroling on Church Street with other members of Lyric Theater. Of course, they sounded beautiful!
Finally, here are some pictures of Elijah's "artistic side." I stayed home with him on Friday (his daycare was closed for a funeral) and it was too cold (-14 degrees with wind chill) to spend more than a half hour outside so we pulled out the paints. He had a lot of fun, and I was really glad the paints were washable!

He looks like a little Kung Fu master wearing an old shirt of mine and one of Ed's retired ties around the waist!