First smile, first tooth, first word, first steps...There are so many anxiously-awaited milestones when you have a new baby.
Then- poof! Suddenly there is this other little person in the house. A preschooler...who can walk and talk and try to boss us around. He can (and does) tell us what he wants, needs, likes and dislikes. He has a sense of humor. And an opinion. When did this happen?
"Mama, I don't like your hair like that." (he prefers ponytails)
"No, Daddy- you be the ____ truck, I'll be the ____truck." (fill in ANY truck types here)
"I want to write my name," Elijah said, in reference to the ritual we always follow before bringing a new book to daycare.
For once, I wasn't running 10 minutes late and desperate to just get out the door. So I handed him a marker, and he actually DID write his name in the book. The letters were all over the page, the "L" was backwards and the "A" was laying on its side...But for all intents and purposes, it pretty much was his name.
I was nothing short of astounded.
I know it's not unusual for a 3-year-old to begin learning to make letters, but when did this happen to MY 3-year old?
Tonight we worked a little on placement, "L's" and "A's," and before long, this is what Elijah had written: