Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Please ignore the the "goofy parent" commentary!


Sam, Jr. said...

Elijah seems so young to be walking behind a push toy! Amazing!

Léna OUILLADE said...

Wait a cottin' pickin' minute, that kid is not even 11 months old? Holy cow. Allow me to state my daughter got up on all fours and crawled for the first time in her life on her 1st birthday.
That baby is advanced!
Love the video!

W,C,H said...

Oh my God. He is so cute I just can't stand it!

Isn't it amazing that when they stumble and fall, they just get up and keep going?

Paula Vargas said...

Well look at him! Not even 11 months old yet and already walking!!!! YaY!! He sure is growing up mighty fast, isn't he?! I love his little outfit - he looks so big! :)

Anonymous said...

oh my- how special- I just knew that Eli was super smart- he is so young to be walking- you and Ed better start taking your vitamins

Give him some Nana Kisses from me


nancy sleek said...

I can't believe he's walking. So cute. I love you're blog. Keep up the good work. Great way to keep in touch.
Auntie Nancy