Saturday, November 8, 2008


Sorry for the lag between blog posts, I just haven't been taking many photos lately.
Here are a couple of videos we'd like to share.
This first one just makes me smile:

And, at 11 months and 11 days old, Elijah's much-anticipated first steps:

Have a great weekend!


leslee said...

those are the CUTEST!!!! He is such a little pumpkin!

Léna OUILLADE said...

All right, now if that doesn't make me want a boy, what will?

momsie said...

oh my goodness- he is just so so special- look at him go- forget about exercising from here on out you will get plenty of that
now. thank you so much for putting these special videos on your site- makes me feel like I am not missing anything
love, momsie

Sam, Jr. said...

Wow! We were not surprised to see Elijah walking as we knew he was so ready to go! What fun!

Paula Vargas said...

And so "baby" Elijah has now become "toddler" Elijah! Welcome to a whole new world of discovery Eli!!
Those videos are priceless! It's amazing to see how fast he is growing up.
Clearly his giggles, laughs, smiles and coo's say it all - he is so lucky to have such wonderful parents :)

Laura Geigle said...

Congratulations on walking early!!
xo auntie laura

Lil' Martha said...

Elijah most certainly takes after you Sandy. Edwin didn't walk until 18 months, or so I was told!! Chris helped me get on your blog, and I am tickled to see Elijah walking! Happy early birthday!! Love, Martha & Chris