Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas!

Wow, is it snowing here!

I thought it would be a good day to make Christmas cookies for Elijah to bring to daycare tomorrow. I made the dough this morning and began gathering my supplies. After searching high and low, I found only 4 cookie cutters-- a Christmas tree, a heart, a bat (of the rodent variety) and this one:

Your guess is as good as mine!

I can't for the life of me figure out where the rest of the cookie cutters have gone to!

So I asked Ed to help me make some cutouts using cardboard, so I could trace around them. Never ask a geometry teacher to help you make a Star of David...

I call this one The Planning Stage

Anyway, as you can imagine, the cutouts came out perfectly!

Elijah helped, by trying to eat the raw dough and scattering the flour all over. Actually, he was pretty engaged for about 15 or 20 minutes.

Later on, he actually DID help by cleaning off the chair, while Zoe cleaned the floor.

Then Elijah cleaned Zoe.

The finished product.

And the best part. Zoe had to come back and clean this area again.
Later on, Eli played with a box of granola bars. He likes the shiny wrappers and to put them into the box and then take them back out again. You should see our house by the end of a weekend!

We are warm and comfy, with a pot of Grammie's recipe of corn chowder simmering on the stove. This is about as good as it gets!

Merry Christmas!


Sam, Jr. said...

Looks like you and Elijah had lots of fun making those cookies! Loved the fact that Ed got involved by making a star shape for you! Very impressive!

Elijah looks so cute with his haircut. I can see that he still has a little bit of curl on top of his head. Just precious!

The cookies came out great!

Sam, Jr. said...


Paula Vargas said...

I think it's great that you let Elijah get involved with the cookie making/baking!! It looks like you all had a lot of fun! Glad that Ed was able to save the day with both his artistic and mathematic skills to create "the perfect shape"!! Had that been me, I think I would've had to hit up GOOGLE to find the shape, print it out and then trace it!
We received your Christmas card today, absolutely adorable!!
Kyle CAN NOT WAIT for Santa to arrive. We went grocery shopping today - he reminded me to buy extra milk and some carrots or the reindeer. So sweet.
Merry Christmas!

W,C,H said...

1. I think that questionable cookie cutter is a witch on a broom.
2. We also did the cut-out sugar cookie thing here the other day and like Elijah, Heather mostly ate the dough and then was not hungry for dinner.
3. Cole is very concerned that we do not have a star for the top of our tree, so could you please send Edwin over to help us make one? Thanks.
4. Elijah is SO CUTE - we can't wait to see him in person. Great pictures.

Léna OUILLADE said...

Estelle and I immediately recognized that witch on her broomstick!

We want some of those cookies!