Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Annual Burton Affair

Here are some pictures from the annual Debbi & John Burton Christmas party, which we were so happy to attend. The Whitman side of my family was also having their Christmas party today (in Massachusetts), we were sad not to be able to go but we couldn't bear the thought of such a long drive when we're just getting back on our feet from that stomach bug.
Debbi and John's party was originally scheduled back in December, but was canceled due to weather. We were so happy they decided to reschedule!
First, my very favorite picture from the day. Three generations of Jacobsons- Ellie and Jake, Debbi, Luke, John and Chad:
Wesley and Joanie:
Jessica and Danny:The Elusive, Camera-Shy Darlene and sweet Heather:Ced, Joan and Stuart:Eleanor, Luke and Chad:Bill, Brian, Gretchen, Emilie and Becky:Debbi, Diane and Craig:All of the children, minus Elijah (who was probably eating) and Asa ("I don't WANT a picture!")But I got him anyway!
Hopefully, Darlene got more pictures, as there are SO many people I missed (Mary & Martha, Eliza, Timmy- and probably others!)
Thanks, Debbi and John. We had a very nice time, as always!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thanks for all your well-wishes!

Thanks, everyone. I am feeling much better today, but Elijah still has "The Grip" (except Ed says '"The Grip" is only vomiting-not diarrhea- so I might be using that phrase improperly...too bad Francis Colburn isn't around to clarify).
Ed went to school today, nearly passed out and had to step outdoors for some fresh air. He never actually got sick, but had to turn his class over to a student so he could leave the room for approximately 10-minutes. I'm sure those kids were thinking, "Down goes Old Man Alexander!" Especially because it was like -20 degrees outside. But he is feeling a bit better tonight.
I have literally changed 15 diapers today, with little exaggeration. Eli's backend looks like one of those baboons you see in National Geographic.
On another thread, I hope that if I ever fly again, I have Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger as my pilot...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Last Alexander Down

The title says it all...what a day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How to Avoid the Stomach Flu...Stay FAR Away from Us!

Two out of three of the Fairfax Alexanders are now down for the count. Alternating our time home with Elijah has resulted in Ed getting really sick- poor guy. Tomorrow we will both stay home- Ed to take care of himself, and I will take care of Elijah. It is our last A-Day class before midterm exams...terrible timing, poor students! What a tough job to miss.
I feel a little unsettled myself, but cannot gauge how much is real and how much is psychological. I'm sure that by this time tomorrow, I will probably be joining the rest of my nuclear family with my head in a bucket...Better bring one to bed with me "just in case."

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Stomach Flu Has Hit...

Last month, our childcare provider's married daughter (and her husband) moved back home. With today's tough economic times, their meager salaries were proving to be a hardship. The daughter works in a daycare, and I'm not sure what the son-in-law does, some kind of manufacturing job I believe.

No big deal...until the stomach flu hits the other daycare. The daughter spends a night vomiting and the next day recovering at home. On the couch. In the living room of the house where my child is cared for. See where I'm going with this? I apologize if I sound a little bitter.

Later in the week, one little boy goes down. A couple of days of vomiting and even trips to the ER for dehydration. We can hardly wait for the weekend so we can get Eli out of that germ sauna. Our weekend comes. All is well. No signs of distress. We think we've maybe dodged this bullet. Phew...

Sunday night we get a call from our child care provider. She's got it. Been sick all weekend, going to be closed on Monday. No problem, glad to keep Eli home. I say "no problem," but that means an early-morning drive into the school to put together sub plans (later to be followed by fallout from a disrespectful student who was sooo bad for the sub). But whatever it takes to keep our son healthy!

Monday night we call the child care provider. Everyone's all better, she has disinfected the house. Reports that all children (adult and toddler) are healthy. Ed and I talk it over. Are so happy to have avoided the stomach flu. Discuss keeping Eli home one more day for "safe-keeping." Decide that is best, Ed will stay home this time.

Fast forward to Tuesday morning. I awake with some slight gastrointestinal uncertainty and fatigue, but plan to press on. Elijah wakes very early- 5:15. Drinks his AM grape juice, seems okay if not a bit fussy (maybe due to early rising). Offer banana for breakfast. Not interested. Uh-Oh. Offer applesauce, which he never turns down. Shunned. Hmmm.... Wants out of his high chair, very fussy. Ed picks him up and.....You guessed it. BLAGH......All over the place.

No photos to post today, for obvious reasons. Grrrr.....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

ECHO Science Center

It was a very cold but sunny weekend here in Northwestern Vermont. Saturday morning, Elijah and I went to the Fairfax Public library. We returned home with my next book club book (Eat pray love bu Elizabeth Gilbert) and the ECHO Science Center pass. Our library has a pass you can borrow so you can get into ECHO for only $2 (normal admission is $9.50 for adult non-members). So it's really quite a good deal! The idea was that later on Saturday, Ed would stay home with Elijah so I could meet my friend Connie at Trapp Family Lodge. In return, I would entertain Elijah today (Sunday) so Ed could get some things done.

Connie and I met at 1:30 and skied for a couple of glorious hours. The conditions were just beautiful! Cold, new snow, well-groomed trails...It was so much fun! Photos taken with a disposable camera, so not yet developed.

This morning, Elijah and I packed up and headed to the ECHO Science Center and aquarium. We've been there one other time, but Eli was little, like "Baby Bjorn-carrier" little. It was much more fun today that he could run around and explore!

We got our $2 worth just in stair-climbing entertainment. I wasn't sure we'd ever get to see a fish- Eli went up and down the stairs several times before my patience wore thin and I scooped him up.

Up, up, up....And then back down...Unhappy to have been carried back up the stairs.Finally, some fish!

Elijah liked the turtles.
A large, scary snake. You had to climb into this made-for-children tunnel to see it. I almost got stuck trying to take this picture.
Oh, good- more climbing!These doors were cool. Behind one was a finch, behind another was a large mushroom, and the third held a very nondescript rock, so I'm sure there must have been some little creature hiding in there. Elijah loves to open and close doors, so this was right up his alley!
There was lots of running and climbing, and plenty of other children around- it was a perfect way to kill a couple of 10-degree hours!Finally, when Eli started eating the fake food, I got the hint that it was time for lunch. So we adjourned to the Cafe for a couple of hot dogs. Sad to admit, but my kid LOVES hot dogs!
While we were gone, Ed plowed the driveway and graded some quizzes. He also got out on his new snowsoes and worked us a snowshoe path around the property.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Ocean State

Narragansett Bay

Last weekend, we traveled down to R.I. to visit my family.
No pictures yet of Friday evening at my Dad's house. I forgot my digital camera and was using a disposable, which has yet to be developed (I write that as if I think I'll ever actually drop it off for developing). But my Dad and Lynn graciously hosted all of his girls and their families for a delicious ham dinner. It was wonderful to spend some time with him, and the rest of my family as well.
Saturday was a surprise birthday luncheon for my Mom, a plan that had been in the works since July. We were keeping it small- just her siblings and cousins and their families, and her daughters and their families.

In the end, there were about 30 people who gathered at Marchetti's Restaurant to wish Barbara Elaine (Whitman) Borrelli a Happy 60th Birthday! She was truly surprised, and we girls were thrilled to have been able to host such a special day for her.
Here are some photos from the event!

Mom, unsuspectingly walking Elijah to her own birthday party:

Here she is- always such a good sport!

Clockwise from far left:
My cousin Jen, my Mom's cousin John, my Aunt Denise and Uncle George, Aunt Rita and her partner Rick, Mom (a.k.a. The Birthday Girl), her best friend Helen and my Aunt Nancy.

Clockwise from nearest seat:
My nephews Kyle and Brandon, my brother-in-law Mike and my sister Leslee (standing), my sister Carole, my brother-in-law Jim and my sister Paula

This is my Aunt Nancy and my cousin's son Dylan. So he's my...first cousin once removed? Maybe...?
Julie, where are you when I need you?

Mom with her two youngest daughters, my sisters Paula (32) and Leslee (29 yrs, 358 days as of this photo...hee hee!):
Mom and her youngest grandchild-for now. My sister Paula is expecting this coming summer!

Is someone trying to make a point? Mom received TWO G.P.S. units! I can relate! As well as all the wonderful traits I inherited from my mom, I alsowas cursed with her terrible sense of direction...

"Nana" and all her grandkids.
Mom and "Her Girls"
Happy Birthday, Mom! We love you!

On a different note, here's a cute story I'd like to share:

This morning I witnessed Elijah walk into the kitchen, open the cabinet and remove a single dog biscuit from a box, close the cabinet and walk over to give the bone to Zoe. You can imagine my surprise! What a little sponge he is, as he must have witnessed be perform this same task dozens of times.

Zoe is beginning to see him more and more as an ally...

Talk about a friendship in the making!Life is good!