Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why work...

When you can stay at home with a sick kid...
This time it's pink eye:

Got the dreaded call from the Child Care Provider yesterday, "I think you might want to call your pediatrician..."

So we had an appointment at 8:15AM today. By then there was no doubt in our mind, as we pretty much had to pry his crusty eyes open this morning.
He must associate the doctor with immunizations, as he was in a FINE mood until Doc Nasca walked in the room. A first sight of the man, Elijah just melted into a screaming, writhing puddle of goopy-eyed toddler.
It was fun.

As soon as the doctor left the room, Elijah regained his composure. So when we got home, I decided to put him to work.

First he Swiffered the hardwood floors.

He actually did a good job getting along the edges...

And in all the corners.
Then he stacked some wood...

...Shoveled up some ashes (Notice the "staff" he carried around as he was finishing up his chores. He's more and more like Edwin every day!)...

And finally, he did a little plumbing.
After that, he seemed kind of tired, so he's on his 15-minute-break right now.

At least we're getting some things done around here ! :-)

I guess I will be missing MMU's Winter Carnival tomorrow. That means Ed has to supervise the "Twinkie-Eating Contest" without me!


W,C,H said...

Well, if you can't go to child care, you might as well get some house work done. Isn't it funny how when they're little they love to do that "grown-up" stuff.

I had pink eye about a month ago. I think I got it from Cole's preschool, although Cole never did seem to get it. I had it in one eye and then it spread to the other. It was fun.

Hope he feels better soon. Do you have to give him drops?

Aimee said...

Wow! That is some serious pink eye! Poor little guy... I love that you put him to work. Those pictures had me laughing out loud while my kids were taking their test!

Sam, Jr. said...

Well, we are sorry to see our little Elijah with another ailment. At least this one should pass quickly.

Loved the pictures of him working around the house. Before I even read Darlene's comment, I said to Mom, "He reminds me of W,C, and H as they are always helping out around the house!"

Very cute pictures!

Paula Vargas said...

Poor Elijah! He certainly has had a rough winter, but at least he's in good spirits!!! Give him lots of extra kisses from all of us!

momsie said...

oh my poor little grand-son- and you are such a slave-driver guess you should take advantage of him while he still is not aware that he is actually cleaning- as you know when he understands that will be the end of even picking up a speck of dust lol- he looks so sad with pink eye well hope you and Ed dont get that ugh love, Momsie

Léna OUILLADE said...

Estelle had pink eye twice when she was younger. When I put the drops in, she would look like some kind of goth queen afterwards - spooky.

Laura Geigle said...

Hope Elijah is feeling better soon, and I think his hair looks great!
xo auntie laura