Sunday, November 1, 2009

Moving Day!

Tyler and Aimee closed on their new house in Derby on Friday afternoon. Saturday was moving day! They had a great crew involved- Peter, Paul, Wes, Matt, Barry and Kim Adams (and Gabe), Ed (and me & Elijah). The people listed in parentheses did nothing to help with the move. We just tried to stay out of the way! I didn't take too many pictures, and sorry that I have none of the new house to show. Although I'm sure once they begin feeling settled, Aimee will post all kinds of pics on her blog! Barry and the birthday boy:

Tyler and Pete:
Wes, Matt, Tyler, Pete:
Walking around, checking out the view. Fred seems to like his new home!

Meanwhile, while others were manually laboring, Elijah was torturing poor Fred by refusing to let go of his leash. Elijah cannot do this with Zoe, she's just too big and she bowls him over. Poor little Fred didn't have a chance at escaping!
This swing set is eventually going with the old homeowners, so we figured we'd enjoy it while we could!
Closing Picture: the absolutely adorable Gabriel Adams.
Not only is he cute, he's also about the best baby you could imagine!


Sam, Jr. said...

Congratulations to Tyler and Aimee!

Did Matt ever take his hands out of his pockets and actually lift something, or was he just decoration?

-GraniteStater, using Sam Jr's PC

Aimee said...

Thanks for posting this - I love the pics of Eli walking Fred! I needed him this morning when I was getting ready for work! I took a lot of pictures to show our progress last night, but forgot my camera at home this morning. Will post them soon!

Thanks everyone for all the help!

Caitrin said...

Congrats on the home Ty & Aimee!!!

Whose little one is Gabriel? I might have missed it on a previous post??
He is so cute in the pumpkin hat! That was the name that I had picked out if I would have had a boy. Love it.

Hope all is well.

Laura Geigle said...

Congrats Ty and Aimee! (& Fred!) Sure hope your mom is feeling better Sandy!