Monday, January 25, 2010


Has it really been nearly a month since my last blog posting? Eek! It's just that we've been so busy, with not much going on outside of normal "life."

For example, this is all I can come up with for highlights:
1. On Saturday the 16th, Tyler, Matt, Ed and I saw "Camelot" at the Flynn while Aimee so graciously babysat Elijah. It was a fabulous show, and a wonderful Christmas present!
2. Then we survived mid-term exams. Well, grading mid-term exams. 50% of the school year is offically over. That's news!
3. This past weekend, we: Got some new Thomas the Tank Engine trains, went sledding at Casey's Hill and gave Elijah a haircut.

Told you it wasn't exciting! Not even a photo to share...

Guess you'll have to read Julie's blog for delicious pictures of food and fun...I know I live vicariously through her!

Today it is raining.

That's all I've got.


Sam, Jr. said...

It's raining here too!

We are always glad to hear from you, whether you have news or not!

Congratulations on being half way through the school year!

Aimee said...

I'm with ya! Haven't posted in while 'cause there isn't much to say! :)

W,C,H said...

Pretty ho-hum over here too. I guess in a way that's good? No news is good news.