As my family knows, Nichole Carroll was one of my closest high school friends. She was part of the "gang" that I spent virtually every waking moment with- typical teenagers!
After years of fertility treatments, Nichole and Dennis FINALLY welcomed their much-anticipated first baby yesterday- a stunning little boy named Kellan.
As life would have it, Nichole is also battling breast cancer- she was diagnosed a couple months into her pregnancy. She goes in for a double mastectomy on Thursday- just 3 days after giving birth. For those of you who believe in the power of prayer, please send some her way! Here are some of Nich's pregnancy pictures:
There is something just so beautiful and brave about this picture:
And here's the precious bundle!
Momma and baby:
Here's hoping the surgery goes well and that Nichole has many happy years ahead of her to see that little boy grow up.
Meanwhile...Here's a pic for Day 1 of Winter vacation. SOMEONE thinks 6:00AM is an appropriate time to get up during vacation.
We've been having a nice "staycation." We've been getting tons of outdoor time. Eventually, the adults around here get cold, so we retreat to the indoors and watch from the window.

Momma and baby:

Meanwhile...Here's a pic for Day 1 of Winter vacation. SOMEONE thinks 6:00AM is an appropriate time to get up during vacation.

Yesterday, we went to a luncheon at Martha's house. Had some lovely visiting time with Martha, Mary, Jacob, Julie, Estelle, Lena, Becky, Debbi, Stuart, Emilie, Christa, Asa and Hazel. It was great fun. After lunch, the sun was shining brightly, so we bundled up the kids and headed out.
Christa and Asa building a snowman- it was perfect sticky snowman snow!

Martha and Elijah on the John Deere.
Like Grampy, like Grandson. Elijah's duck-taped slippers:

Sweet tooth (just like Mommy and Daddy).
Today Elijah went to Tammy's house and Ed & I went skiing at Craftsbury and lunched at the Bees Knees. Awesome! Unfortunately, the weather is now taking a turn for the worse and appears aligned to put the kibosh on my trip to RI. Bummer. Never can count on the weather to cooperate!

Today Elijah went to Tammy's house and Ed & I went skiing at Craftsbury and lunched at the Bees Knees. Awesome! Unfortunately, the weather is now taking a turn for the worse and appears aligned to put the kibosh on my trip to RI. Bummer. Never can count on the weather to cooperate!
Congratulations to Nichole and her husband. Their new baby is perfect!
Nichole looks beautiful in her pregnancy pictures.
She is in my thoughts & in my prayers, as well as in my heart. I hope her surgery goes well & she hops on the road to remission sooner rather than later.
Looks like your vacation is going well. Glad Elijah is enjoying the winter weather. At least someone is, right? ;)
Hope to see you in a few days, but the weather isn't looking very promising. If you do come, I'm trading kids with you for a while :)
I read your blog with mixed happiness and then overwhelmed with sadness- I pray with ever thing in my soul that Nichole will be healthy enough to enjoy that little bundle of JOY that she has been blessed with. Such blessings in this times of sadness - please tell her that your entire family is praying for her- miracles happen ever day., love Momsie
What a beautiful baby!! The entire family will be in my prayers.
My prayers go out to your girlfriend who just had the baby and is facing her own struggles with cancer. How strong she must be.
I think Elijah looks like he is losing all of his baby looks. His face is thinning out and isn't got that toddler look anymore!
Sorry to hear that your RI trip might need to be postponed due to weather.
Some people are forced to face more challenges than they're due. I hope your friend Nichole makes a speedy recovery. I love the photos you posted of her - very beautiful, strong, and brave. A beautiful baby as well!
My trip to Maine was postponed, but the kids have really enjoyed the new snow.
I hope Nichole's surgery went well Thursday... I'll be praying for a speedy recovery!
Thanks for all of your support during our "staycation" (HAHA!) in Detroit! It was so nice to know that you were looking out for us and finding every available option for getting us home!
Enjoy the next two days!
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