We've gotten so little snow here in Vermont this winter- so of course it was fitting that we'd get the season's biggest snow storm on the eve of my anticipated trip down to RI. This here is the reason why Elijah and I could not travel to southern New England this vacation: But we did get to do a lot of fun things anyway. We went to play dates, tumbled around the playground in the snow, and did lots of sledding. When the weather was a little nicer, we ventured into Burlington to ECHO to see the Contraptions exhibit.
This exhibit was a little boy's DREAM. Gears and levers and shifts- all about cause an effect. I kept thinking about how much my nephew Kyle would probably have LOVED it! Immediately, the drum machine caught Elijah's eye. It was this giant machine filled with dozens of drums and cymbals. When you changed the position of the levels, different drums were beaten and the noise changed.
This exhibit was a little boy's DREAM. Gears and levers and shifts- all about cause an effect. I kept thinking about how much my nephew Kyle would probably have LOVED it! Immediately, the drum machine caught Elijah's eye. It was this giant machine filled with dozens of drums and cymbals. When you changed the position of the levels, different drums were beaten and the noise changed.
Here are some of the other cool "contraptions." For this one, you use a lever to help the frog flip a pancake.
Pushing different buttons on this one makes the bear "play" different keys.
Pushing different buttons on this one makes the bear "play" different keys.
Turning the crank makes the puppet dance:A puppet house with a 2-way mirror.
This was by far the greatest exhibit I've ever seen at ECHO. We had a blast- it was really hard to leave!!!
On the final "real" night of vacation, we hosted a potluck dinner with our friends and colleagues Jon & Linda, Kathy & Craig, Gail & Dick and Dan and Rebekah. No pictures to share, but tons of delicious food followed by an intense game of Trivial Pursuit!
Alas, school was ready to begin again...And Elijah gets sick! Elijah's fevers seem to be a common theme on my blog this winter. We think this one's just a cold, but whenever he gets sick he spikes a fever- that's just the way his sicknesses manifest themselves- and fever means no daycare. So Ed had to miss the first day back at school to stay home with a feverish little boy...and I will be staying home with him tomorrow.
Look at those flaming cheeks...trying so hard to ham it up for the camera.
We're all thinking that summer just can't come fast enough!
Oh Kyle would've LOVED the ECHO center you guys went to!! What a neat place to take Elijah!
As always, we love all the pictures!!
So sorry to hear that Eli has another fever. He looks so feverish in that last picture :( Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon. It's been a rough winter for all of us!!!
Come see us over April vacation! Otherwise I may have to threaten to come see you :)
Actually, Paula- we are planning on being in Boston for 3 days over April vacation. We are hoping to stay in a hotel with a pool and inviting you all to come hang out pool-side for a day. Doesn't that sound like fun??? Mark your calendar for Sunday April 25th!
Hope you CAN make a trip up here with your family over the summer :-)
Poor Elijah! I wonder if he'll get over being sick all the time as he grows older??? Hope he is feeling better soon!
So sorry to hear that Elijah is sick again. It seems to be the winter for sickness everywhere!
The ECHO exhibit was fantastic looking! Wow! Whoever made all those exhibits is a genius!
Hope Elijah is well soon!
Wow that exhibit looks SUPER cool.
super bummer about the fever.
I didn't write this on my blog for fear of my in-laws knowing, but Léna was covered in red spots for 4 days after we returned and is coughing and wheezing again. Back on cortizone and cough syrups - but I'll be damned if I am going back to Dr. Stranglelove! Hope Elijah is feeling better.
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