Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kids' Day All Around

Last Saturday was Burlington's Kids' Day Festival, which began with a parade down Main Street:

Hehe, I thought this was Humpty Dumpty (until a lady standing nearby informed me it was, in fact, a fishing bobber).
It was kind of a rinky dink parade, But Elijah and Ariana (my friend Sara's daughter) seemed to enjoy it. Afterward, Sara and I took the kids down to the waterfront, where the festivities continued.

Here, the kids are anxiously awaiting their chance to "fly" a helicopter.

Elijah loved it (he's such a boy). Ariana looks as though the whole affair was highly overrated.Free toothbrushes for posing with "Mr. Tooth" Fun with noodles:
Saving the best for last- Elijah's very first train ride on "the Lollipop Express." Elijah is crazy about Thomas the Tank Engine, so this was a huge hit for him! The wait was excruciating.

Our view of Lake Champlain:
Later, Ed tilled the garden to get ready for next weekend's planting.

It was fun times with Peltors and worms!
The following day (Monday) our daycare was closed, so I stayed home with Elijah and invited Rhiannon for the day. Rhiannon is my friend and co-worker Talia's daughter. She was born 2 days after Elijah.
First off, they absolutely cracked me up with their "toddler talk" in the car that morning. I've never actually heard Elijah carry on such an extensive conversation before.

Here are some of the things they did together. They were SO good and SO darned cute!

This first picture is funny because Elijah looks like a BEAST compared to Rhiannon. He's bigger than her, but not actually THAT much bigger. Just the angle of the shot, I guess.
Pancakes for breakfast:
Taking a hike up to the sandbox:
Watching "World World" and winding down while I made lunch:
Picnic time!

This was Elijah's first "real" play date at our house with a child of his same age. It was super fun- we look forward to many more fun times with Rhiannon in the coming years!


Paula Vargas said...

Playdates are so much fun!! Looks like E had a blast with his friend(s)!
The parade pics were...interesting!
Bet Eli had a blast on that train ride! He's at such a fun age! Come drop him off to me for a long weekend :)

Sam, Jr. said...

Enjoyed all the pictures of Elijah and his friends. I think that may be the bench that we all gave you for your wedding. It looks nice with the stone wall behind it.

Léna OUILLADE said...

Love the fishing bobber. Who thinks of this stuff? GREAT!
Playdates = fun for kids, work for Mom! Unless the playdate is at some OTHER Mom's house = vacation!

Laura Geigle said...

He is starting to loose the baby face and turn into a little man! xo auntie laura