As our summer vacation comes to a close and we reflect back on just what an AMAZING summer it was, we are especially thankful for our 2 glorious weeks in Maine.
The first week, in mid-July, was really fun. For starters, we realized that we can now get internet access in the cottage. So no longer are you completely out of touch with all of civilization when there!!
We were blessed with nearly perfect weather.
Our cove of the lake is relatively shallow for many feet, so Elijah is not out as deep as it looks.
Zoe is an excellent lifeguard:This was the week that my best friend Heather and her whole family also vacationed in Maine.
We had lots of fun eating out:
And hanging out at the bonfire. Something about this picture is weird. My legs look really hairy, but they're not (promise!)One night we had a Hawaiian luau to celebrate Heather's 35th birthday:
The second week, in early August, was just the 3 of us. We spent some time relaxing at the lake. Elijah started the vacation with a fever, but thankfully it was short-lived.
We played plenty of trains. It was just like being at home. That eerily familiar "Will you play with me?" was omnipresent without Heather's boys around to help entertain him!
One day we went blueberry picking, which was really fun.
On Cedric's recommendation, we tried out a new beach- called Goose Rocks. It's in Kennebunkport, and was stunning. We loved it!It was much more private than Wells beach, which is where we usually go to be near the ocean. The sand was white and the beach was so clean. Imagine what it would be like to own one of these house, right along the ocean!Elijah loved it there!
As strange as it sounds, we ended up sitting right near a really nice family from Georgia, VT! they have been coming to Goose Rocks beach for 20+ years and were kind enough to take our picture. It was a beautiful day!
Not sure if I'll get to Maine again this year-- sometimes Elijah and I go Labor Day weekend, but I haven't decided about that yet. Tempting!
That last picture of you, Ed, and Elijah under the beach umbrella is stunning. What a handsome family you are!
It was fun to see pictures of the lake in Maine. The cottage looks really nice inside. At least the picture of Elijah playing with his train set made it look nice.
Joan, Martha, Mom, and I sought out Goose Rocks beach last fall when we took Mom on a surprise trip to Old Orchard Beach. We tried hard to find the cabin that Cedric and his family stay at. I agree the area was beautiful!
Yeah, finally an update on your blog! Your photos make me miss Maine, haven't been in 6 or 7 years. Looks like some great times and great memories.
Sandy, we are glad you are back into blogging! I just love seeing photos of Elijah, and what you all have been up to!! I love the ocean, altho I can't eat a darn thing in it, or atleast no shellfish, no clam shucking, or whatever Mainers do!! Squeeze in one more trip during Labor Day. It will make returning to school less painful! So glad you all had a lovely summer!
Wow!! Loved the pictures, but where was the bear picking blueberries? (Wasn't that you, Sandy??)
I think you have your family pic for this year's Christmas Card all set...that beach picture. It is great!!
All these great summer memories will keep you going as you head back to school!!
Love, Joanie
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