Friday, February 25, 2011


It's incredibly snowy outside and not much to do around here- so I decided to tackle the job of taking apart the crib and putting together Elijah's new bunk beds.
The guy at the furniture store told Ed it would probably take about an hour to put together.
I started at 10:30AM with a goal of just having it done by nightfall :-)
It took me about 3 hours, and my fingers are so tender from using an allen wrench for so long.
But as you can see, Elijah LOVES his new digs.

I wonder how Elijah's first night in his new "big boy" bed will go?
We've gotten about 12" of new snow today and it's still coming down hard. I was just beginning to wonder how I might get the car all the way down the driveway so we can go to Chris and Martha's tomorrow when my friend's husband came along and plowed out our driveway in an unsolicited and selfless act of kindness.
It brings tears to my eyes to know we have such great and thoughtful friends.


Aimee said...

Elijah is SOOOO excited! I bet he does well in his bed tonight! Tyler is still here - waiting for the snow to wind down so that he can plow for me before heading to camp. You are lucky to have such a nice neighbor!

Sandy Alexander said...

Aimee- I know, I was actually getting kind of worried about the snow quantity without Ed around. Now hoping we don't lose power!

Lil' Martha said...

Elijah, your cousin Estelle said that she slept in a bunk bed last summer with her on the top bunk and cousin Cole on the bottom bunk. Estelle says that she liked being on the top and she never fell off! And even Cole had breakfast with Estelle and he colored with her, and then his mom, Heather and Wayne picked him up. Love, Estelle

Sam, Jr. said...

Loved seeing you today!


Laura Geigle said...

Congratulations Elijah on your big-boy bed!!
xo auntie laura