Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer 2011 (Day 1)

It was a rainy and blustery first day of summer break- the temps only reached 65 degrees and it was rainy most of the day. Ed tweaked his back, so he's dealing with that pain, Elijah was stir-crazy and we were all kind of out of sorts. Finally, we seized a break in the showers to literally "go fly a kite." It was kind of windy and the rec path has lovely open fields, perfect for kite flying!

After that, Elijah rode his bike some. The exercise was good for us all! Tomorrow we head to Maine for my family's annual "Thankgiving in Maine" celebration!


Paula Vargas said...

Elijah rides his bike so well considering his young age! I think he's taking after cousin Kyle in that dept, and will likely be riding on ATV's come this time next year! :)
Kite flying is so much fun! We haven't been yet this year, but Kyle got some great kites for his birthday so we'll be flying them soon!
We hope Ed's back feels better soon!! I can sympathize w/ him although my back pain is being brought on by pregnancy :)
Enjoy your weekend in Maine - post lots of pictures!

Sam, Jr said...

Happy Vacation Sandy, Ed, and Elijah!

Hope Ed's back improves soon and that your trip to Maine goes smoothly. Have fun with all your family!

Can't believe Elijah is able to ride a bike! Good for him!