Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hurricane, Labor Day and First Day of Preschool!!

We were spared any real damage from Hurricane Irene, and in fact didn't even lose electricity. To pass time, we decided to make sock puppets for a puppet show. It actually LOOKS more fun than it was, although it kept Elijah engaged for over 2 hours on a rainy, windy day.

Labor Day weekend, Elijah and I headed for Maine while Ed laid a new floor in our bathroom.

We got to spend some quality time with my Mom, Aunt Nancy, Uncle George, Aunt Denise and cousin Jen.

We went apple AND blueberry picking, and spent many hours just hanging out on the beach- we were blessed with 2 gorgeous, sunny and warm days!

Today was a major milestone for our family- Elijah's first day at Poker Hill School. Back in July, he did a 1-week summer camp there, and every morning was horrible. He would cry and cling and beg me not to leave him. As you can imagine, I was expecting the worst today. In fact, I wasn't going to be a part of the drop-off at all, Ed and I decided it might be easier for Elijah if I wasn't even there (he's much stronger around Ed, and much clingier to me).

But Ed developed a terrible stomach bug and ended up staying home, and I faced the task of bringing Elijah to Poker Hill myself. And aside from the fact that he wouldn't let me take any pictures of him this morning, Elijah did GREAT his first day! I (on the other hand) was a mess after leaving him!

The following pictures are all from after school (hence the dirty clothes):

Showing off his nap space-


The famous "purple door"

Happy Kiddo, Happy Mommy!

Now, if Elijah and I can only avoid contracting whatever sickness Ed is suffering through, we'll be lucky!


Aunt Lisa said...

Congratulations to Elijah on his first day of Poker Hill School. Glad it went well for him.

Sorry to hear that Ed got a bug. Maybe he got sick from glue fumes laying the new bathroom floor? Hope he is better soon!

Looked like you had a great time with your Mom and family in Maine. Glad the weather cooperated for you!

Léna OUILLADE said...

I want to see photos of the bathroom floor! Poor Ed. You guys always seem to have one thing or another. So glad you got one last hurrah in Maine!

Laura Geigle said...

Elijah looks like he has grown so much, have fun in pre-school!

I guess nursery school, pre-school, kindergarten all started in the mid 1960's 'cause my first day in any school was first grade.

Lil' Martha said...

So nice that you were able to take one last trip to Maine to end your vacation. Always was hard to leave my kids at school, for kindergarten as Addy and Alex would cling to my leg and wouldn't let go! Took a few days for them to adjust! Elijah is lucky to go to Poker Hill. Bet he will love it there! Hope Edwin has recovered! Maybe he had sympathetic pain? Hee Hee

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Elijah!! I'll bet he's just going to love preschool!!
I'm sure Ed is feeling better by now, and hoping you and Elijah were spared.
Happy-back-to-school to you all!
Mary :)