Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Science-y Fun!

Last week I was in Hartford, CT for the area Science Teachers' convention. Admittedly, I am a bit of a science geek-- needless to say, it was very cool to be around so many other science geeks for 2 days, talking only about science and experiments! The workshops were fun and engaging, filled with cool toys and gadgets to play with.
I picked up this neat-looking book for Elijah, so we could start doing some simple science experiments together on the weekends.
It's filled with easy, kid-friendly experiments using materials you tend to have around the house. Cool weird stuff that gets kids thinking.
Today's experiment, called "QuickSand" consisted of just cornstarch and water-- a colloid that looks like a liquid, but when you touch it, it turns to a solid (colloids change form under pressure). When you stop touching it, it instantly reverts back to its liquid state. It was so cool! Elijah manipulated this gooey compound for almost an hour.

p.s. the cornstarch was MUCH easier to clean up than you might think!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Quiet Day at Home

For the past 2 days, I've been away at the Science Teachers' Convention in Hartford, CT. We battled some serious traffic to get out of CT last night and arrived home just before 10PM...EXHAUSTED! I was sorry to miss Sarah Haven's baby shower today, but I was just TOO exhausted for another trip out this morning. Instead, I helped Elijah make a "Welcome Home" card for Baby Caroline and carve two of our pumpkins.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Catching Up

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity around here. Ed is finally fully recovered from his mysterioso illness, so we have been able to enjoy some fall activities as a family. In between apple picking and pie making, Elijah's been riding his bike and Ed's been getting the house and wood stove ready for winter. We're expecting some snow for the end of the week- yikes! Fall is just too short!

This past weekend was the annual Tilton shopping trip. Biggest crowd since I started participating! Lisa, Dan and Martha are so gracious to open their home to a gaggle of shopping ladies. Excellent company, delicious food and lots of good bargains made this a perfect weekend! We even got to get in some skyping with Julie and the girls and Caitrin and her little ladies.

While I was gone, Ed and Elijah had some big plans for the weekend. Unfortunately, Elijah spiked a fever Saturday morning that stuck with him for the weekend, so they ended up being pretty low key. I stayed home with Elijah yesterday, which was fine by me- I got the floors mopped for the first time in...too long! Over the weekend, I visited a lot with Joanie about her cleaning jobs, and I learned that she spend 7.5 hours cleaning ONE house every other week. I thought about how lovely it would be for someone (not me, but someone) to spend 7.5 hours cleaning my house. How truly amazing that would be, in fact. So I mopped the floors, which just had to be good enough for now.

Tomorrow I am out on a field trip with the Student Council and Foreign Exchange students and Thursday a bunch of us from the Science Department are headed off to Hartford, CT for a science convention for 2 days. Saturday is Sarah Haven's baby shower, Saturday night we have a Halloween party to attend, and Sunday (finally) I can come up for air! Juggle juggle! Today was my only "real" workday of the week, but somehow my workload doesn't feel any lighter. Thank goodness I have such a great student teacher this year!

Fingers crossed that Baby Caroline might be able to come home sometime within the next week or so. After all she's been through, I can't believe the time has finally come for doctors to start thinking seriously about her discharge. There's ONE little family who will surely appreciate the comforts of home (once they get there once and for all).

Love to all!
Sorry, no pictures to share

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Additon!

Haha, I just thought that would be a funny title for this blog post. Sorry if you were thinking, "Yahoo!" or (more likely) "Oh no!" Anyway, we DO have a new addition. Last Friday Elijah got a pet hamster named Pumpkin Cereal-Bowl (don't ask). See, this is what happens when Ed decides to wait in the car while Elijah and I "run into PetSmart for a new aquarium plant." I always had one rodent pet or another as a kid...and I guess it's genetic. Anyway, she's very cute and sweet. If she survives the extra-special attention (read: mad desire to kill) from Zoe, we'll all be lucky!