Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Vacation? What vacation?

I can hardly believe that vacation is already over! Our trip to R.I. was nearly perfect. I did a TERRIBLE job remembering to take very many pictures, but I'll give myself a break, as I was "single-momming" it for the whole trip.
Elijah was a very good boy for the whole weekend, even though it took us 9 hours to get down to R.I. (with all the stops, etc) and about the same to return. We've had some pretty wild car trips with him over the months, so frankly I was shocked at his excellent behavior.
To be continued when I have a bit more time to really write and upload pictures. I have to get ready for my school day tomorrow (ie. It's past my bedtime)!


Léna OUILLADE said...

Welcome back and glad you had a safe and uneventful travel experience. Those are the best kind for the single mommy. I always fondly remember the time Estelle vomited all over me as we touched down in Rome at the endless of a sleepless overnight flight. Ah, memories.

Paula Vargas said...

I took lots of pictures, I will put them on my Blog soon!! I had to get the Monster Truck pictures up first, per Kyle's request!!

Paula Vargas said...

PS: Every morning Kyle asks if Elijah is coming back to play!!

momsie said...

I loved seeing you and Eli - am loving the visits you have been able to make to R.I. this year- can not wait for this snow to melt-I can already taste the coffee on the porch in Maine Momsie