Friday, April 2, 2010

Now This is MY Type of Weather!

What could be better than 80-degree temperatures with sparkling blue skies? The fact that it's the weekend and this weather's supposed to stick around!
We had hot dogs on the grill tonight and even ate outside, just to really make the most of a beautiful afternoon/evening. Here are some pictures from today:

This weekend,we're looking forward to our first ever Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow and Joanie's house on Sunday. Happy Easter!


Léna OUILLADE said...

Elijah looks like he is really enjoying being outside. Hot dogs on the grill - wow! Amazing!
Enjoy your egg hunt & dinner on Sun.

W,C,H said...

Hooray for sunshine and fresh air. Can't wait to see you guys at Joanie's tomorrow.

Sam, Jr. said...

Looks like Elijah really enjoyed his warm sunny afternoon, early evening last night!

Enjoy your egg hunt today and Joanie's tomorrow!

Aimee said...

We are looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!