At least someone's sleeping like a baby tonight! Okay, this picture as actually from last week, but was just so precious, I had to post it!
2AM and I'm feeling restless, but not too stressed out about it since tomorrow is (another) make-up exam day. I am really looking forward to "getting back to normal" next week as we finally roll into another semester.
I noticed that it's staying light a little later each evening- the sun set tonight at around 4:50PM, which means it's not really dark until close to 5:30PM. This should be enough to get me off my duff and start exercising, I feel like I have been such a slug lately. -20 degrees might keep us indoors, but I don't really have an excuse to be so inactive, since there's a beautiful gym at school as well as our exercise bike here at home...
Next week the girls and I begin a half-marathon training class on Thursday nights, so I am hoping that will get me excited about running again-- maybe it will be just what I need!
This past weekend, we really started pushing the potty training thing with Elijah. On Saturday we went to Osh Kosh so he could pick out his own "big boy" underwear. On Sunday morning, he wore them from breakfast until after lunch with a couple successful pees on the potty and 3 clothing changes. On Monday morning (day off due to extreme cold temps), he went from breakfast to lunch without a single accident and lots of pees on the potty. So we're getting there! Today he really resisted underwear at daycare so we didn't push it because he was getting pretty upset. Riveting stuff, huh? This is the kind of babble you get at 2AM.
Folks are doing pretty well at school as more and more time passes, just as you might expect. You should see the show of love and support we've gotten from other schools- in the form of cards and lots and lots of yummy food. I got to see a bunch of students today to make up their exams, and expect to see many more tomorrow. They are a pretty resilient bunch, and I can only pray that some very valuable lessons have been learned from this suicide and its impacts on our community as whole.
Well, that's all for tonight. Hope everyone is well.
No wonder you are awake at 2 am. Everything you have gone through at school and now Elijah's potty training, I'm sure.
Glad things are slowly returning to normal and that you are getting lots of support from the community and other schools.
This cold, snowy weather has given me cabin fever in the worst way. I can't tell you how much I look forward to going to the gym now - just to get out. Last week I bundled up Bella, tossed her in the stroller & went for a 20 minute walk around our neighborhood. It was 8 degree's out. Really too cold for me to enjoy the walk, although Bella didn't complain much!
It sounds like Elijah is moving forward with the potty training business. I think you have one major thing going for you at this point - his age- he's older now, so he clearly understands what the potty is all about, what he's "supposed" to be doing on it etc. Therefore, I bet he'll just give up diapers one day & that'll be that.
My unasked for advice to you is to really follow through with a routine. I know a lot of parents who work out of the home find this to be their biggest challenge but really, it can be done. As a daycare provider myself there is nothing more discouraging than potty training a child every day, 5 days per week, then having them go home on the weekends & not follow through so that come Monday it's like starting all over again. And really this could be about anything..naps etc..not just potty training.
I start off potty training using the same exact method & routine for all of the kids. Consistency really is the key to being successful in a short amount of time. Basically, it's potty first thing in the morning, as soon as the first diaper gets changed. Then it's potty about 2 hrs after that, during the next diaper change. Potty right before lunch and/or nap, potty immediately after nap etc. Yup, the day revolves around the potty, but it really does work well. On weekends, when you're out & about, simply have him try to use the bathroom before you leave the house & then again when you get back home. Once you set the routine for him it will become easier. In my experience, usually they resist it at his age because they know that they can...afterall, why would Mama & Dad FORCE them to do anything, right? So, you gently help him. Maybe by saying "Come with me. I'm going to go potty first, then it's your turn..." etc.
Good luck! The one statement that a lot of people make that in my opinion seems to be a big myth is that "eventually they'll just do it". Maybe that's true for some kids, but really, many many kids don't mind wearing a diaper. Afterall, it sure is easier than going thru the whole potty process!!
We'll be sending him a package soon to help keep up the motivation!
Sandy, this too shall pass! Elijah looks so at peace, almost like he was praying!! My kids loved the cloth training underwear. It doesn't absorb and draw away the urine, like the disposables, likeHuggies pull up pants, so they know when they are wet, and don't like the feeling, so seemed to motivate them to use the potty. I always had them sit on their potty, when I had to go, so there was some modeling, and normalcy to it all. Sticker charts can't hurt. Sounds like it is all going very well!!
I just have to say that both your writings about how the suicide has impacted you and the school were so poignant and full of feeling. As sad as the subject was, you wrote so well. Thinking of you, hoping sleep goes better!
Such a sweet picture.
Potty training can be a challenge, that's for sure. Heather was the easiest, so it may be true that girls are easier than boys.
I agree with "sam" that you wrote so well about such a heartbreaking time.
Hope you weren't too tired that next day.
nice looking boy you got there, sandy!
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